Working on a project may take up a lot of your time. Especially when it has many obstacles and running out of your control. The result will be not optimal enough as you expected at the beginning. Therefore, you need to organize all of your project management progress and set the right goals so you can be focused on what you already working on.
- Let your analytics data lead the way
In this digital era, data analytics will be powerful equipment to help you set the course of your projects/businesses. With a modernized data analytics tool and algorithm, it will collect and analyze all of your raw data efficiently. Give you more insights and information to lead the way and gain your goals. You will be easier to give decisions on which path do you need to take based on your data analytics result.
There are 4 types of data analytics approach that can be used to help achieve your project goals:
- Descriptive, Descriptive analytics will collect your data then inform you about what happens with your progress.
- Diagnostic, Diagnostic analytics is more focused on analyzing problems, why the problems happen. Then give your hypothesis so you will know what’s going on.
- Predictive, Predictive analytics gathers data from the past and calculates what could happen in the future.
- Prescriptive, Prescriptive analytics will suggest some different possibilities or potential changes in your result in the future. - Looking at site and businesses analytics is a good starting point
Try to look at other business analytics around you. By surveying other competitors, you can gain other insights to improve yours. Many other businesses may apply different types of analytics approaches to their projects. You can copy or modified that approach and make it more suitable for your current projects. Try to adapt to the current trends and customer needs, so you can improve your current progress better and achieve your goals efficiently. - Investigate where your company is making and losing money.
You should know about your company’s income and expenses. What they’re spent expenses for, and where they can get income. Whether it comes from customers in their target market scope, or by funding and injections from other holdings. You can find out which was the right step to be taken based on the financial status of the company. With this knowledge, you will be easier to target the goals of your company’s projects and businesses. - Choose goals that are specific and easily measurable.
You should know what goals you will achieve from your project. Choose what you need and narrow it down into specific goals. It will be easier for you to maintain your project inline and stay focused to gain that goal. Be sure that the goals you have chosen are estimated before you executed the project. Don’t push yourself if the goals are too complex and hard to be achieved. - Keep things simple and clear so everyone can rally around the goals
Make sure that your project goals are clear and easy to implemented by others. If you have a team, you must give them a clear brief so they can follow your instruction. Teamwork is one of the keys to reach the best result from a project. Your goals must be understood by people who will take a part in that project. Try your best at communicating with each other so there wouldn’t found any miscommunication among respective individuals.
Those are some little steps you can apply to achieve your targeted goals. Because every goal has its own path to be found. You just need to choose the right path and take what necessary. Sometimes there are unexpected difficulties along the way, but you need to keep going on to reach your goals. Be smart, be happy, and don’t forget to keep your spirit flaming up.
Contribution : Abdul Hamid