The greatest doing is just one at a time

5 min readApr 14, 2021
Illustration by Teddy Tri Murdianto

Working with a team seems to be a little bit challenging for some people. The debate over teamwork already becomes a matter in almost every workplace. Whether it is at an in-house office or the remote one. The struggle to run along the time to catch deadlines, complete tasks, and managing teamwork can be frustrating anyways. When handling multiple individuals on a teamwork project, it’s not an easy job to monitor every individual’s need to exactly do their work precisely so the whole project could be executed well.

Project management and people management is the core of implementing good teamwork. Make sure the workflow, workload, and individuals management are properly checked, get things done as they should be. This digital age also revolutionary changed the pace of teamwork workflow. As technology becomes more relevant in work tools, gadgets and the internet already help and save a lot of workers time to execute projects.

So, it will need good or maybe many strategies to apply work management for different projects. How the strategy will determine the output and final result of teamwork. Deliver good positivity and increase the productivity of the overall team.

Photo by Leon on Unsplash

What is work management?

The actual purpose of work management is a strategy to keep and solve the problems within a teamwork project. To keep the workflow and workload of every teamwork member stick to the deadlines and rules. Making sure that the whole project processes already in line with the timeline as in the brief. Not letting any unnecessary expenses of time and pennies be caused by the late deadlines. Creates a fence that rounded around the project development so it wouldn’t be stretched too far from the scope that was already set before.

From individual events of every team member, monitor their work, reporting tasks done by timeline schedule, emailing clients, and a bunch of to-do-lists of things that need to be concern first in the project. Those were some examples of work management details, vary from the smallest details up to the biggest event that could happen within the project execution. Today’s industries already packed their work management by implementing helpful software for project and work management. Shortage the time and effort to manage all the time at once, integrated into one control over all of the project development process. There are so many projects and work management software out there that can help industries and businesses handle the management easier. Some of them are free yet the others may charge professionals and businesses with monthly or yearly subscriptions. Software like Trello, ActiveCollab, and Proofhub is an example of work management software to help you out from troubles in managing a bunch of teams.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

The challenge awaits

With or without software help, work management always challenges you to manage and control a running project. Nothing is more difficult than putting so many jobs to be done as they should be. Besides the time and effort that you will spend over the process, the amount of focus to be poured to manage the whole team is overwhelmed sometimes. So these are some of the challenges that you could be facing when having teamwork management.

Team Task Allocation

Choosing the right person to do certain tasks is very important, or it could be a disaster if the wrong person chosen to execute the wrong tasks. Managing to divide and allocate the tasks to each respective executor is important in work management. If the wrong person handles tasks that don’t belong to them, a failure could emerge from it. Makes the whole project process disrupted caused by one mistake in allocating task among the team member.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Distinguish the important and urgent one

The important thing aside from allocating tasks from each member is to put the important and urgent cases in the project as well. Distinguish between the important list and the urgent list in a separate way. Both of them had the same priority over the other subjects, but both of them also have different in term of the response action. Important subjects in a project are like vocal points on every step in the project execution progress. It should be done at first, as a priority among the others. While urgent subjects in a project mean a more one-level ahead priority among the other subjects. Urgent tasks and duties are made to be done as soon as possible in term there will be consequences awaiting. So as a manager, choosing and distinguish between two priorities skill is a must.

Placing the deadlines

Deadlines are like a nightmare for every worker. How this term can be very fearful and affect so many worker’s psychologies. Deadlines are very useful to determine when a job must be done and delivered. Makes a definite goal of time needed to execute a task or job. So, when managing teamwork in a running project, managers and coordinators need to concern about their decision to put deadlines in every task and job for each team member. Make sure that the deadlines given to each individual are already met their capability to catch up with the overall process. Besides pushing their workflow so it will constantly in line with the timeline that already set up before. Avoiding late and unnecessary expenses of time and money so it wouldn’t exceed the budget.

Transparency between team members

There must be transparency between team members and the manager or coordinator. It means to have a clear and trustful conversation between them. Allows them to be open to each other, telling about personal strengths and weaknesses. Its necessary to do that because most managers and coordinators are put their decision on deadlines and task allocations are based on every individual capability. Determine which person has to do the certain task and job set the right amount of workload for them.

These are several insights on how work management could be applied in a running project. The challenges and benefits from various and multiple strategies asserted from the execution. To get things done as they should be, without sacrificing more time and money for unnecessary things caused by errors and mistakes.

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Contributor: Abdul Hamid




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